Chris started his training in Fitness and the Arts some thirty years ago. At fifteen years of age
he entered his first dance class and instantaneously felt like he had come home. Since that time his
professional and personal journey have seen him cross the globe many times.
Performing, Teaching and Choreographing in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Norway, Greece, The Philippines,
Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Fiji, Indonesia, Switzerland, New Zealand, Italy, The Former Yugoslavia,
Romania and every state and territory of his beloved home land Australia. When you hire Chris for a teaching,
choreographic or performance engagement, know that you are hiring one of the best Australia has ever produced.
The arts are transcendence to a higher plain, it’s one of the ways a human being can achieve connection
to something beyond themselves.
That’s why at some point in our lives we will all experience..
The Song.. The Dance.. The Act..
That life has to offer all of us.
Let me help you along that journey.